Planetly by OneTrust
The team of designers, storytellers, and passionate collaborators, who work together to create industry-shifting presentations mind.

Project Overview
Physiological respiration involves the mechanisms that ensure that the composition of the functional residual capacity is kept constant and equilibrates with the gases dissolved in the pulmonary capillary blood and thus throughout the body. Thus in precise usage the words breathing and ventilation are hyponyms not synonyms of respiration but this prescription is not consistently followed even by most health
care providers because the term respiratory rate (RR) is a well-established term in health care even though it would need to be consistently replaced with ventilation rate if the precise usage were to be followed.
August 2021
Project Type
Strategy Planning
Thus in precise usage the words breathing and ventilation are hyponyms not synonyms of respiration but this prescription is not consistently followed even by most health.
- Kept constant and equilibrates with the gases dissolved in the pulmonary.
- Capillary blood and thus throughout the body thus in precise usage the words.
- Breathing and ventilation are hyponyms not synonyms.
- Respiration but this prescription is not consistently followed even by most health.
If you ask a tech person about the science behind personalization algorithms, they will tell you something along these lines: Once you have sufficient historical data about consumers, you can create a model and find the features that best predict the user’s behavior. We finalize a model with high predictive power, use that to find similar consumers in our set, and aggregate their behaviors.